Meet Sarah Keeley & Family

Meet beautiful Mum Sarah of @consciouscalenderandco and take a peek inside her Queensland life with kids Archer, Magnus, and Wilhlemina.

Tell us about yourself and your family
My family and I live on top of a mountain in a town called Toowoomba. My husband and I have known each other since birth, growing up as toddlers together. It wasn’t until a reconnection when we were 23 that we fell in love. We had three babies very quickly and couldn’t be happier with our little village. I grew up in Sydney and was lucky enough to be surrounded by the beach, the harbour and some very inspiring people.

Describe a perfect day in Bali with your tribe?
We love waking up with the kids in our bed or having them come in for morning kisses. Our youngest came in the other day playing singing bowls to wake us up. It was just her fingers hitting the metal mixing bowl but gosh it made me laugh.
We love to cook and eat together as it allows us all to connect and re group. At each dinner we share our favourite part of the day allowing each person the floor to share and teaching each other to listen.

What has been the biggest surprise about becoming a mother?
The responsibility of nurturing their subconscious behaviour and beliefs is a real responsibility.
The first 7 years is where the foundations in life are made and I just try and keep on top of what they’re saying, feeling and how they’re seeing life. I’m not always great at it, but learning this has certainly changed my perspective and tactic on parenting.

Can you share your thoughts on the life & work balance as a mother and how it works in your family?
Now that all 3 kids are at school it’s a lot more balanced. The days are short between drop off and pick up so I just try and make each hour, day and week count. Being organised, although not my strong point, does help to be productive and act with purpose. Meal planning is key!
Sometimes there’s late night work to be done as I try to avoid working on my phone in front of the kids but I’m also learning to work with my own rhythm and not hustling just to work.
They know what I do and help out where they can which I think is really important. It’s good for them to see parents working and know what we’re working towards.

What was the inspiration behind starting Conscious Calendar Co?
Truthfully I didn’t want to get a 9-5 job :)
After visiting some of my favourite stores in Byron Bay I thought up the idea of our first calendar, the crystal calendar and got to creating it and getting it into stores asap. The idea came to me NYE and we had it in stores by September.
I wanted to learn more about crystals and knew my Dory brain needed to focus on one thing at a time, hence a new crystal or now seed a month.
Supporting people to connect, grow and love themselves and their environment is a real honour to share.

What does joy look and feel like for you?
Seeing my kids smile and laugh fills my whole body with joy.
Knowing that I’m able to provide them with good food, good thoughts and a good lifestyle brings me joy. We’re incredibly lucky to be happy, healthy and have opportunities in front of us.
I’ll be bouncing with joy when I’m able to take the whole family to Bali and settle into island life for as long as possible.

Can you share any Queensland tips for Family’s visiting?
We are huge fans of the beach and escape to Noosa, Byron or Burleigh as often as possible. Toowoomba is 2.5hrs from the beach so we make a whole day of it or a mini weekend.
Noosa main beach is ideal for younger families as the surf isn’t rough. The kids love Bills shaved ice 🍧 and going out on their surf boards. We also love bush walks and Toowoomba is surrounded by some of the most beautiful national parks with waterfalls and glamping sites, (we haven’t camped yet, just glamped).
Archer, Magnus, and Wilhlemina are wearing

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